Don't go it alone

Don't go it alone

Greetings from Danang; We actually we landed a couple days ago. I trust you had a nice Easter at home. I woke this morning and read about the travesty in Pakistan! A loss for understanding. There is so much wrong and it is so easy to let it get me down. Yet I must continue getting up and taking the next indicated steps.

     I recently read a quote by Helen Keller; " walking with a friend in the dark is better then walking alone in the light." Funny when I get down, tired or just out of energy and motivation, the one thing I think is the last thing to help is so often the only thing that will help. People! Specifically friends who I have spent time and built relationship with.
   I know I have said this before but once again I am confronted with the fact that it is allowing others to love me when I feel like pulling away that brings me back. I don't mean to make this sound heavier then it is. Please don't read more into this then need be.
Leading GIBTK has changed in many ways. As GIBTK has continued to mature so have the needs of leading. I spend more and more time training and preparing our team. They do much of what I used to do, loving and working with the kids.  
    Being greeted at the airport and WARMLY hugged by the kids and team brought a warmth and sense of belonging I did not expect. Spending time at the beach (even though it was cold) brought laughter and joy.
Ali was worried the kids wouldn't remember her, NOT SO!!!!
  Some may already know this about me but in many ways I am an introvert. I have a natural tendency to pull away from others. Often late to a party and first to leave. But my lesson for this trip is clear. Don't go it alone!!!! BUT it is people that my comfort is brought back. It is all about being in relationship with others that life comes from and yes perhaps feel the closet to the God who called me to serve in GIBTK!!!
Enough from me; Here is todays note from Kristina:
   Today's been a lazy morning with warm coffee and delicious croissants; a perfect time to reflect the past events in this trip. I've had the chance to see some kids from our homes, and nothing can beat being in the presence of such radiant youth. Something about their disposition brings a heavy love into my heart. Something different than anything else I only get when I'm here.


   Its life changing seeing the differences in these kids. Some of them who were once so isolated and Shy, came to hug me and talked to me. I couldn't have been more proud of them. And all the rest of them, even the most happy and extroverted grew tremendously in their personalities. It's because God is working, that things are changing. To witness it first hand is the greatest gift from Him.


            Tomorrow we will be distributing wheelchairs, one of my favorite things I get to do here. Every recipient has overcome their own life battles, and to make it easier to live makes me happier than anything. I cannot describe how euphoric each and every patient is, after being shown his or her new wheelchair. Wheelchairs open a door that was never there for them, in the first place.
Playing hoops on tiger court at Project legacy
            The Fathers house is a stop I will be making today. The mothers there have a love for their child greater than any love I've seen before. Playing with the babies is another thing I wouldn't mind doing for the rest of my life.
Honey sharing photos of her new grandson!


            A lot of these experiences are so extremely emotional that nothing else could amount to them. That is why I often explain things being "greater than anything else" or something making me "happier than anything else." And even then, using those words, I couldn't begin to describe the things I've experienced.
            I am at the beginning of this trip, but it's offered me life experiences I'll never forget. Can't wait to see what else God has in store for me.
 Kristina Kalatschan
><((((º>  BBlessed

Robert Kalatschan
Giving It Back To Kids

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