Salt & Light 11-24-15

Salt & Light 11-24-15
Happy Thanksgiving! I want to thank each of you and express how thankful I am of my friends, those I've met and those I've not yet met.  Before getting to another of the journals from the GIBTK team, may I do a ask?
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Here is Huy, our newest English teacher. He is working with our GIBTK kids but has also began working with the kids coming to Dorothea's Project Legacy
Huy's journal
   When I was a child, I was taught to be "salt and light of the world". But how to do it is actually a hard question in my life. When it came to choosing the right organization to work with, it was vital for me to find the right "salt and light organization". GIBTK is exactly that.

    To begin with, GIBTK offers me opportunities to get pleasure from work. Honestly, I had worked as an English Teacher for many English Centers before working at GIBTK. There is something in my heart that made me feel not satisfied with my previous jobs.
National Teachers day; Tam with our GIBTK teachers!!! So proud of them!
    On the road to finding a better job, I met GIBTK. The organization (the GIBTK family) helps me to feel that working here is not only a job, but the tool to help unfortunate children. To quote a Jewish saying, "It is more blessed to give than to receive". I am truly blessed with this job when giving my talent and effort to help the children to learn English and experience in life. My heart is filled with joy and happiness. The children in community classes are so eager to learn. I am amazed by their enthusiasm. In the modern days, full of troubles and burdens, working in such a job truly brings me satisfaction. I am thankful for that.

    Moreover, GIBTK enables me to be "salt and light", to be a useful tool to the world. Being in charge of community classes, I am doing my part in helping less fortunate children in the local area who cannot afford to go to tutoring centers. Looking at the smiles on their faces, hearing their sharing about their difficulties and their secrets, cannot stop the tears in my eyes. They are the tears of happiness. GIBTK not only supports the children in their learning, it also helps in medical care, nutrition and love. In this case,
   I can be one of the bridges to connect people with troubles in their lives. Solving their problems is undoubtedly a necessity, but also making them feel the love requires all the staff to have a serving heart coming from the depth of their soul. How can people do what us right without having a serving heart? It is easy for them be a hypocrite. Nevertheless, GIBTK provides us with chances to practice step by step, which makes our heart transform to be salt and light.

    Last but not least, GIBTK enables me to build up my personal development. Through the emotional health programs, there is an abundant source of knowledge to deal with people of all ages, especially with the children in the community classes. Not having the knowledge to deal with children in specific circumstances, can make it easy to make wrong decisions. This, as a result, can harm children in their behaviors. The program teaches us how to deal with anger and the definitions of emotional fields, which help us to build up our self-development.
GIBTK Team! Can you belive it? I get to be part of this team? Go figure huh?
    Equally important, GIBTK offers me time off at the weekend. To me, having Sunday off is a high priority in finding a job. It not only provides me time to spend with family and friends, but also share in the ministry at my local church. It develops my spirit as well.

     In summary, words cannot express all my gratitude to GIBTK. I am grateful to Robert, GIBTK, the sponsors and all people that bear Vietnam in their hearts by supporting and praying without ceasing. I believe your humble hearts will be counted in Heaven. GIBTK has truly made a difference in transforming life through education, medical care, nutrition and love.
I would be honored to forward any comments or words of encouragement to Huy

Robert Kalatschan
Giving It Back To Kids

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